Cyber Nations Tournament Edition Information Index

Cyber Nations Tournament Edition - Cyber Nations Tournament Edition (CN:TE) is a tournament version of Cyber Nations standard. Tournament rounds reset every 90 days which is detailed at the top right corner of every game screen. There are a number of changes to CN:TE as compared to Cyber Nations standard:

  1. Tournament rounds last for 90 days. After 90 days the tournament will be reset, during which time all nations, private messages, and statistics will be deleted. Players have the option via the My Profile screen to retain their ruler names during tournament resets in order to prevent from having to re-register after round resets. Players that wish to create new ruler names after round resets will want to have this option turned off. The default setting for this option is off.
  2. Peace mode is not available in CN:TE.
  3. New nations are not allowed to declare war, cannot be declared war upon, cannot spy, and cannot be spied upon until 7 days after creation.
  4. The purchase cost of improvements, wonders, infrastructure, land, technology, cruise missiles, navy vessels, spies, and nuclear weapons have been significantly reduced. The purchase requirements for wonders, nuclear weapons, and navy vessels have also been reduced.
  5. Improvements require only 500 citizens rather than 1,000.
  6. Nations begin the game with $50,000,000 startup funds.
  7. Tax collections are increased by 50% in the Tournament Edition. This is performed on the backend code so the 50% increase is automatically calculated for you.
  8. Nation strength is updated on demand whenever a nation display screen is loaded as well as during standard in-game transactions.
  9. Once a tournament round resets the top 100 nations ranked by strength will be stored in the Tournament Winners screen available from the World Statistics screen in-game.
  10. Wonders may be purchased every 5 days rather than every 30 days.
  11. National events last for 10 days rather than 30 days.
  12. Anarchy lasts for 2 days in CN:TE rather than 3 days.
  13. Global Radiation Levels are calculated based on the past 15 days rather than the past 30 days.
  14. Wars last for 5 days rather than 7 days.
  15. Nations may change their own native resources once every 7 days. Any trade agreements belonging to that nation will be automatically updated to reflect the resource change.
  16. CN:TE will track your peak infrastructure and peak land purchased levels. If your land or infrastructure fall below your peak levels (minus 100) then the purchase cost to replace infrastructure and land is reduced by 50%.
  17. Senate votes reset every 15 days and nations may vote once every 5 days during an election cycle.
  18. Natural land growth rate is tripled compared to CN:Standard.

Aircraft - There are 18 different aircraft in the game consisting of fighters and bombers (9 of each type). When launched on bombing runs bomber aircraft have the ability to destroy up to 20 infrastructure, 20 tanks, and up to 5 cruise missiles per bombing run. Fighter aircraft help defend your bombers during bombing runs and can also be launched without bomber aircraft for dog fights with enemy fighters. Fighter aircraft are your only line of defense against enemy bombers and fighters. Fighter aircraft cannot destroy enemy infrastructure, tanks, or cruise missiles. Each aircraft type has an aircraft strength rating from 1 to 9. The more advanced (and more expensive) aircraft have the highest strength ratings and can therefore inflict more damage on your opponent. To determine how much an aircraft will affect your nation strength level multiply the aircraft strength x 5. For costs and analysis of all aircraft in the game view your Aircraft Purchase screen.

Several resources reduce the initial cost of aircraft including aluminum, oil, and rubber. You may purchase up to 50 aircraft (60 with construction). Your aircraft purchases may consist of any variety of fighter and bombers. You may elect to focus your air force only on fighters or only on bombers or whatever combination you desire. When attacking an enemy with aircraft you are limited to two attacks per war per day.
Tips: It is a good idea to always keep fighter aircraft on hand at all times. Bombers have no defense beyond their strength rating so always escort your bombers when attacking. While there is a chance your bombing run will still be successful without fighter escorts, your odds are much better with escorts. If your enemy does not have fighter aircraft your bombers will be free to attack unharmed.

Alliances - Alliances are player created groups managed both in and outside the game. Alliances offer player protection during wars, organized strategies in game, increased player interaction, and often offsite forums and communities of their own. You can create an alliance from the 'Create Alliance' button link on your Nation Edit screen or on the Alliance Display screen. Once your alliance is created you can also manage it from the icon link on your Nation Edit screen. Alliances can upload two flags, a standard flag and a war flag, and alliance managers can select which flag to fly at any given time on the various alliance stats pages via the Alliance Edit screen. Alliance owners can assign alliance heirs and managers to help manage the alliance and they can approve and edit members via a new drop down on the nation edit screen. Alliance members can also be given rights to approve, remove, or ban other nations in the game to and from the alliance. If a nation is banned from an alliance it will appear on the alliance's banned nations screen, where notes can be kept about that nation or it can be removed from the list. As long as a nation appears on an alliance's banned nations list it will not be allowed to join that alliance. You can also preemptively ban nations from your alliance without them having ever joined your alliance by clicking the icon beside their ruler name on their nation display screen.

Many of the player created alliances attempt to gain �control� over particular teams. This gives the various alliances a color identity and an opportunity to gain happiness by trading with one another in the game. There are a few in game screens in the World Statistics page that provide statistics and detail player created alliances. Alliance score is determined by the following equation:

((alliance nations / total nations * 1,000) + (alliance strength / 10,000)) / 3

Teams - In the game teams are open to all players. There are 12 available teams in the game with include: Aqua, White, Red, Green, Brown, Blue, Purple, Orange, Maroon, Black, Yellow, Pink, None (Grey). Teams provide an added dynamic to the game by allowing team members who trade with one another an extra population happiness point. Being a member of an in game team that is �controlled� by an alliance does not mean that you are a member of that particular alliance.

Cruise Missiles - Cruise missiles cost a base of $10,000 and cost a base of $200 to maintain. The results of a cruise missile launch are generated randomly. The base damage of tanks destroyed is 10, technology destroyed is 1, and infrastructure destroyed is 5. These values are adjusted based on satellites, missile defenses, technology mod, and supporting navy. You may launch up to 2 cruise missile attacks per battle front per day. Cruise missile attacks do not count against ground battle attacks or vice versa.

DEFCON - DEFCON (DEFense CONdition) level allows nations to specify their national defense condition. DEFCON is a series of different alert conditions that players can set for their nation in the event of an emergency. The five levels of DEFCON are:

  • DEFCON 5 - Normal peacetime military readiness. (+2 happiness, +20% initial soldier cost, 76% soldier efficiency, tank, navy, aircraft strength in battle)
  • DEFCON 4 - Normal military readiness, increased intelligence and strengthened security measures. (+1 happiness, +10% initial soldier cost, 81% soldier efficiency, tank, navy, aircraft strength in battle)
  • DEFCON 3 - Increased military readiness above normal readiness. (+0 happiness, +0% initial soldier cost, 86% soldier efficiency, tank, navy, aircraft strength in battle)
  • DEFCON 2 - Increased military readiness, but less than maximum readiness. (-1 happiness, -10% initial soldier cost, 93% soldier efficiency, tank, navy, aircraft strength in battle)
  • DEFCON 1 - Maximum military readiness. (-2 happiness, -20% initial soldier cost, 100% soldier efficiency, tank, navy, aircraft strength in battle)

Efficiency Rating - Efficiency is a rough indicator of how well a nation is doing in the game. The formula is Efficiency = Strength / Days Played. Efficiency does not take into account wars and older nations will have lower efficiency ratings since the cost of most items in the game increases as you grow stronger.

Environment - Environment consists of a nation's nature and surrounding conditions as well as its social and political atmosphere. Environment effects both your nations population happiness and population count. There are numerous variables in the environment bar which include some of the connected resources (coal, oil, and uranium bring your environment down), a nations tech level, infrastructure to land ratio, military to population ratio, not having access to water, certain government types, your responses to the drug and immigration government policy questions, owning nuclear weapons, etc... The better your environment the more citizens you get and the happier your total population will be.

Foreign Aid - The foreign aid screen allows you to send aid to any other nation within Cyber Nations Tournament Edition in the form of money, technology, and/or military assistance. The Federal Aid Commission wonder is required to send and receive foreign aid. Both nations involved in a foreign aid agreement must have a Federal Aid Commission wonder. Sending foreign aid does not require nations to be on the same team nor is strength a factor in the foreign aid system. To send aid to another nation view the nations details screen for the nation you want to send aid to and click the 'Aid' link at the top of the page. Fill in the details of the foreign aid offer that you are sending and click the 'Offer Foreign Aid' button. Once your aid offer is submitted a private message will be sent to the recipient notifying them of your foreign aid offer. Until the recipient reviews the foreign aid offer and accepts it the aid offer will be placed in pending status. While in pending status both nations have the option to cancel the offer. Until the aid offer is accepted no items are deducted from the sender of the aid offer. Once accepted however an aid offer cannot be canceled or deleted until the offer expires. By accepting a foreign aid offer the aid items sent will be credited to the receiver's nation and debited from the sender's nation. For example, if Nation A sends $100,000, 50 technology, and 1,000 soldiers Nation B will be credited with those items and Nation A will lose those items upon acceptance. Nations must be 2 weeks old in order to send foreign aid. The maximum offer for any foreign aid offer is $25,000,000 cash, 200 technology, and 4,000 soldiers.

The limit of foreign aid that can be received in a 10 day period. There are no requirements in the game for foreign aid payback. The terms of foreign aid agreements are up to the players themselves to determine. Keep in mind however that all your foreign aid agreements are available for public viewing in the All Foreign Aid Offers Across the Globe screen.

The Federal Aid Commission wonder allows two nations that have the wonder to participate in secret foreign aid. If both nations have a Federal Aid Commission wonder you may send foreign aid in secret by clicking the secret aid box in the aid offer screen. When you send foreign aid in secret it will cost the sending nation 200% of the items that are sent. The receiving nation will still get the actual amounts of the items that are sent as usual. Secret aid offers hide the receiver's information and aid details with ????? instead of displaying that information to the rest of the world. Successful 'Gather Intelligence' spy operations can expose the sender of a secret foreign aid agreement and who they send secret foreign aid to.

DO NOT attempt to abuse the foreign aid system with multiple accounts by the same player. Any puppet nation used in the foreign aid system is against the rules. This includes player created nations to send aid to themselves, alliance created puppets to use as a 'bank' for their alliance, etc... Players are asked to help keep the foreign aid system honest and report any violations discovered of these rules in the Report Game Abuse forum immediately. Nations that do cheat will be flagged with a cheat indicator in the All Foreign Aid Offers Across the Globe screen for everyone to see:



When you send aid you must keep money on hand to pay for the money sent. You cannot send more items than what you have. You cannot send aid and spend it, otherwise the offer will be rejected by the game system. Furthermore you can only send up to 100 technology, and as the same with money you cannot cause a technological deficit. The game will not allow you to send money if you have less than $500.

Government Type - When you first create your nation and select your government type a random government type will be selected for your people's �desired government.� If your nation's government type is not the same as your people's desired government then your nation's population happiness will be negatively affected. How do you know what your people's desired government type is? The only way to tell is by changing your government type until you see the message �Your people are pleased with this government type.� Of course you can only change your government type once every 3 days.
The 11 available government types to choose from are as follows:

  • Anarchy - A complete lack of government that usually results in a state of lawlessness and disorder.
  • Capitalist - A government that invests capital in a business (especially a large business).
  • Communist - A theoretical system of social organization and a political movement based on common ownership of the means of production. As a political movement, communism seeks to establish a classless society.
  • Democracy - A form of government where all the state's decisions are exercised directly or indirectly by a majority of its citizenry through a fair elective process.
  • Dictatorship - Government by a single person or group of people who are in no way held responsible to the general population. Their discretion in using the powers and resources of the state is unrestrained by any fixed legal or constitutional rules.
  • Federal Government - A government with strong central powers and usually comprised of a system of government where there is a division of legislation, executive and judicial power between two main levels of governments.
  • Monarchy - Form of government in which political power belongs largely to one ruler, generally called a king or queen, who receives his or her position by claim of divine or inherited right.
  • Republic - A form of government whose head of state is not a monarch but instead is led by people who do not base their political power on any principle beyond the control of the people living in that state or country.
  • Revolutionary Government - A government that is formed on radical and revolutionary governing ideals.
  • Totalitarian State - A form of government that exercises massive, direct control over virtually all the activities of its subjects.
  • Transitional - A transitional government is a temporary ruling organization usually put into place pending the establishment of a permanent government.

Here's a chart of how the various governments play an effect on the game:

Initial Infras.
-5% Cost
Improv. &
-5% Upkeep
Attack Spy
Federal Government        
Revolutionary Government        
Totalitarian State        


Improvements - Nation improvements are structures and improvements that you can purchase to further mold your nation into your own choosing. Nation improvements are quite expensive but the benefit is that they are not subject to outside forces. Unlike regular infrastructure in war, improvements cannot be destroyed by other nations. Improvements are stackable, so purchasing two banks will increase your population income +14%. You may only purchase one building per 500 citizens. Nations are limited to 5 per type of improvement unless otherwise specified. You must pay bills on your nation improvements at a starting rate of $500 per day (this figure goes up the more improvements you own.)

  • Airport - $33,333 - Reduces aircraft cost -2% and reduces aircraft upkeep costs -2%. Limit 3.
  • Bank - $33,333 - Increases population income +7%.
  • Barracks - $16,667 - Increases soldier efficiency +10%, reduces soldier upkeep cost -10%.
  • Border Fortifications - $41,667 - Raises effectiveness of defending soldiers +2%. Reduces max deployment by 2%. Requires maintaining a Border Wall for each Border Fortification. Limit 3. Cannot own if Forward Operating base is owned. Collection required to delete.
  • Border Walls - $20,000 - Decreases citizen count -2%, increases population happiness +2, Improves environment +1. (Does not affect Global Radiation levels) Border Walls may only be purchased one at a time.
  • Bunker - $66,667 - Reduces infrastructure damage from aircraft, cruise missiles, and nukes -3%. Requires maintaining a Barracks for each Bunker. Limit 5. Cannot build if Munitions Factory or Forward Operating Base is owned. Collection required to delete.
  • Church - $13,333 - Increases population happiness +1.
  • Clinic - $16,667 - Increases population count by 2%. Purchasing 2 or more clinics allows you to purchase hospitals. This improvement may not be destroyed if it is supporting a hospital until the hospital is first destroyed.
  • Drydock - $33,333 - Allows nations to build and maintain navy Corvettes, Battleships, Cruisers, and Destroyers. Increases the number of each of these types of ships that a nation can support +1. This improvement may not be destroyed if it is supporting navy vessels until those navy vessels are first destroyed. Requires Harbor.
  • Factory - $50,000 - Decreases cost of cruise missiles -5%, decreases tank cost -10%, reduces initial infrastructure purchase cost -8%.
  • Foreign Ministry - $30,000 - Increases population income by 5%. Limit one foreign ministry per nation.
  • Forward Operating Base - $41,667 - Increases ground attack damage 5%, Reduces effectiveness of one's own defending soldiers -3%. Requires maintaining a Barracks for each Forward Operating Base. Limit 2. Cannot own if Border Fortifications or Bunker is owned. Collection required to delete.
  • Guerrilla Camp - $6,667 - Increases soldier efficiency +35%, reduces soldier upkeep cost -10%, reduces citizen income -8%.
  • Harbor - $66,667 - Increases population income by 1%. Opens +1 extra trade slot. Limit one harbor per nation. This improvement may not be destroyed if it is supporting trade agreements or navy vessels until those trade agreements and navy vessels are first removed.
  • Hospital - $60,000 - Increases population count by 6%. Need 2 clinics for a hospital. Limit one hospital per nation. Nations must retain at least one hospital if that nation owns a Universal Health Care wonder.
  • Intelligence Agency - $12,833 - Increases happiness for tax rates greater than 23% +1. Each Intelligence Agency allows nations to purchase + 100 spies. This improvement may not be destroyed if it is supporting spies until those spies are first destroyed.
  • Labor Camp - $50,000 - Reduces infrastructure upkeep costs -10%, reduces population happiness -1.
  • Missile Defense - $30,000 - Reduces effectiveness of incoming cruise missiles used against your nation -10%. Nations must retain at least three missile defenses if that nation owns a Strategic Defense Initiative wonder.
  • Munitions Factory - $66,667 - Increases enemy infrastructure damage from your aircraft, cruise missiles, and nukes +3%. +0.3 penalty to environment per Munitions Factory. Requires maintaining 3 or more Factories. Requires having Lead as a resource to purchase. Limit 5. Cannot build if Bunkers owned. Collection required to delete.
  • Naval Academy - $100,000 - Increases both attacking and defending navy vessel strength +1. Limit 2 per nation. Requires Harbor.
  • Naval Construction Yard - $100,000 - Increases the daily purchase limit for navy vessels +1. Your nation must have pre-existing navy support capabilities (via Drydocks and Shipyards) to actually purchase navy vessels. Limit 3 per nation. Requires Harbor.
  • Office of Propaganda - $66,667 - Decreases the effectiveness of enemy defending soldiers 3%. Requires maintaining a Forward Operating Base for each Office of Propaganda. Limit 2. Collection required to delete. 
  • Police Headquarters - $25,000 - Increases population happiness +2.
  • Prison - $66,667 - Reduces military dependency to control population. Increases max deployment 1%, +0.20 Happiness, -0.5% Citizen Income. Limit 5.
  • Radiation Containment Chamber - $66,667 - Lowers global radiation level that affects your nation by 20%. Requires maintaining Radiation Cleanup bonus resource to function. Requires maintaining a Bunker for each Radiation Containment Chamber. Limit 2. Collection required to delete.
  • Satellite - $30,000 - Increases effectiveness of cruise missiles used by your nation +10%. Nations must retain at least three satellites if that nation owns a Strategic Defense Initiative wonder.
  • School - $28,333 - Increases population income by 5%, increases literacy rate +1%. Purchasing 3 or more schools allows you to purchase universities. This improvement may not be destroyed if it is supporting universities until the universities are first destroyed.
  • Shipyard - $33,333 - Allows nations to build and maintain navy Landing Ships, Frigates, Submarines, and Aircraft Carriers. Increases the number of each of these types of ships that a nation can support +1. This improvement may not be destroyed if it is supporting navy vessels until those navy vessels are first destroyed. Requires Harbor.
  • Stadium - $36,667 - Increases population happiness + 3.
  • University - $60,000 - Increases population income by 8%, reduces technology cost -10%, increases literacy rate +3%. Three schools must be purchased before any universities can be purchased. Limit two universities per nation.

The nation improvements option are based on the KISS method. Simple words like Bank and School instead of Ministry of Finance and Department of Education were chosen since it's easier to code and easier for players to understand.

My Profile Options - In the game under My Menu in the left navigation menu you will see a link called My Profile. From here you can manage your in-game email address and edit your user password. There are also options in this screen to adjust the game based on your user preferences:

  • Nations per page - This option allows you to specify the number of nations to be displayed when searching for nations and viewing nation statistic lists. Users with dial up and slow internet connections will want to keep this setting at 10 nations per page. Users with high speed internet connections (DSL, Cable, T1, etc..) may wish to select a higher number of nations per page.
  • Enable color blind accessibility - This feature turns on or off the colored team boxes for users who have a hard time distinguishing between certain types of colors or if the colored boxes hurt their eyes. By clicking the checkbox and submitting the changes the colored team checkboxes will be replaced with standard black text on all screens in the game. By default this option is turned off.
  • Enable site ads for nation bonus - This feature turns on or off the site ads that are displayed at the top of the game pages. Having this option enabled allows you to collect up to $10,000 in interest for your nation at a rate of 12% when collecting taxes and will deliver the content ads from Google on most in game pages. Having this option disabled provides the standard interest collection at a maximum of $5,000 at a rate of 8% when collecting taxes and will not deliver the content ads in the game.
  • War Email Notification - Checking this option will allow you to receive email notifications when other players declare war on your nation.
  • Enable Popup Navigation - Checking this option will turn on the left navigation popup menus. These menus are javascript driven and if they are not supported by your browser or cause other issues you may wish to turn them off.
  • Retain user name at reset - Selecting this option will allow you to keep your user name during tournament resets. If you select this option your nation will still be reset but you will not have to register a new account to play the next tournament round.

Hits Limit - The daily actions limit of 3,000 hits is a limit placed on the number of allowed clicks in the game per day. Every page click in the game increases this counter. If you reach your hits limit for the day then you will be locked out of the game for the remainder of the day until midnight update when the hits limit counter resets.

Wonders - National wonders are much like regular nation improvements in that they allow you to further modify your nation based on your own strategies. The difference between national wonders and nation improvements is that national wonders do not require a specific number of citizens to develop but instead have an enormous cost associated with them. Another difference to national wonders is that you can only purchase one of each type of national wonder and you may only develop one national wonder once every 5 days. National wonders cost $5,000 a day to maintain. When purchasing national wonders do not expect a huge return for your investment. That is not the point behind national wonders. Instead, national wonders are intended for those nations who are reaching the very peak of their nation development due to nearing maximum development in infrastructure, land, improvements, etc... to give those nations a slight push above their competition. Therefore national wonders are not intended for everyone and are instead intended to provide a slight strategy for the most advanced players and an additional goal for everyone to strive to. The following are the official costs and bonuses of national wonders:

  • Agriculture Development Program - $600,000 - Increases land size by 15%, Increases citizen income +$2.00, Increases the citizen-bonus for land from 0.2 to 0.5. Requires 500 land purchased, 250 technology.
  • Anti-Air Defense Network - $1,000,000 - Reduces odds of incoming aircraft attacks against your nation -25%. Reduces aircraft attack damages against your nation -10%.
  • Area 51 Base - $3,000,000 - Increases soldier efficiency +25%, Increases nuclear missile infrastructure damage +5%, Increases aircraft infrastructure damage +10%.
  • Central Intelligence Agency - $800,000 - Increases the number of spies that your nation can support +250 and increases your nation's spy attack strength +10%. Only viewable by the user who owns it.
  • Disaster Relief Agency - $800,000 - The disaster relief agency helps restore your nation and its people after emergency situations. Increases population +7%.
  • Economic Stimulus Package - $3,000,000 - Increases population income +$5.00 and increases population happiness +5 on the day that you purchase this wonder. Then due to resulting rising inflation impacting your nation, over 60 days it gradually reduces population income to a max decrease of -$5.00 and reduces population happiness to a max decrease of -5. The Economic Stimulus Package cannot be destroyed once it is created.
  • Fallout Shelter System - $800,000 - Allows 50% of your defending soldiers to survive a nuclear strike (Does not prevent nuclear Anarchy but does prevent troops from being totally depleted), Reduces tank, cruise missile, and aircraft, losses from a nuclear strike by -25%, Reduces nuclear vulnerable navy losses by 12%, Reduces nuclear anarchy effects by 1 day. Requires 500 infrastructure, 200 technology.
  • Federal Aid Commission - $500,000 - Increases citizen income +$7.00. Allows sending and receiving of foreign aid. Requires 3,000 infrastructure to purchase.
  • Foreign Air Force Base - $700,000 - Raises the aircraft limit +20 for your nation and increases the number of aircraft that can be sent in each attack mission +20.
  • Great Monument - $700,000 - The great monument is a testament to your great leadership. Increases happiness +4 and your population will always be happy with your government choice.
  • Great Temple - $700,000 - The great temple is a dedicated shrine to your national religion. Increases happiness +5 and your population will always be happy with your religion choice.
  • Great University - $700,000 - The great university is a central location for scholars within your nation. Decreases technology costs -10% and increases population happiness +.6% (+0.6 for every 100) of your nation's technology level over 50 up to 1,000 tech.
  • Hidden Nuclear Missile Silo - $600,000 - Allows your nation to develop +5 nuclear missiles that cannot be destroyed in spy attacks. (Nations must first be nuclear capable in order to purchase nukes.)
  • Internet - $700,000 - Provides Internet infrastructure throughout your nation. Increases population happiness +5.
  • Interstate System - $900,000 - The interstate system allows goods and materials to be transported throughout your nation with greater ease. Decreases initial infrastructure cost -8% and decreases infrastructure upkeep costs -8%.
  • Manhattan Project - $10,000,000 - The Manhattan Project allows nations to develop nuclear weapons. The Manhattan Project cannot be destroyed once it is created. The wonder requires 2,000 infrastructure, 200 technology, and a uranium resource. Also requires the Scientific Development Center and the Pentagon wonder.
  • Mining Industry Consortium - $500,000 - Increases population income by $2.00 for the resources Coal, Lead, Oil, Uranium that your nation has access to. Requires 500 infrastructure, 500 land purchased, 200 technology.
  • Movie Industry - $520,000 - The movie industry provides a great source of entertainment to your people. Increases population happiness +3.
  • National Environment Office - $2,000,000 - The national environment office removes the penalties for Coal, Oil, and Uranium, improves environment by 1 point, increases population +3%, and reduces infrastructure upkeep -3%. Requires 350 infrastructure.
  • National Research Lab - $700,000 - The national research lab is a central location for scientists seeking cures for common diseases among your population. Increases population +5% and decreases technology costs -3%.
  • National War Memorial - $540,000 - The war memorial allows your citizens to remember its fallen soldiers. This wonder is only available to nations that have lost over 10,000 soldiers during war throughout the life of your nation. Increases population happiness +4.
  • Nuclear Power Plant - $1,500,000 - The nuclear power plant allows nations to receive Uranium financial bonus (+$3 citizen income +$0.15 per technology level up to 30 technology levels. Requires an active Uranium trade.) even when maintaining nuclear weaponry. The nuclear power plant by itself, even without a Uranium trade, reduces infrastructure upkeep -5%, national wonder upkeep -5%, and improvement upkeep -5%. Requires 500 infrastructure, 200 technology, and a Uranium resource to build. Nations that develop the Nuclear Power Plant must keep their government position on nuclear weapons set to option 2 or 3.
  • Pentagon - $600,000 - The Pentagon serves as your nation's headquarters for military operations. Increases attacking and defending ground battle strength +20%. Adds +1 offensive war slot.
  • Scientific Development Center - $3,000,000 - The scientific development center increases the productivity of your factories from -8% infrastructure cost to -10% infrastructure cost, increases the productivity of your universities from +8% citizen income to +10% citizen income, allows the Great University to give its technology happiness bonus up to 2,000 technology levels instead of 1,000 technology levels. Requires 500 infrastructure, 250 technology, Great University, National Research Lab.
  • Social Security System - $800,000 - The social security system provides benefits to aging members of your nation. Allows you to raise taxes above 28% up to 30% without additional happiness penalties.
  • Space Program - $600,000 - The space program sends your astronauts to the moon and beyond. Increases happiness +3, lowers technology cost -3% and lowers aircraft cost -5%.
  • Stock Market - $600,000 - The stock market provides a boost to your economy. Increases citizen income +$10.00.
  • Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) - $1,500,000 - Reduces odds of a successful nuclear attack against your nation by 60%. The SDI wonder also requires 3 satellites and 3 missile defenses and those satellites and missile defenses cannot be deleted once the wonder is developed.
  • Universal Health Care - $2,000,000 - A Universal Health Care program increases population +3% and increases population happiness +2. Requires 400 infrastructure, Hospital, National Research Lab.
  • Weapons Research Complex - $3,000,000 - Increases the technology bonus to damage from 0.1% to 0.2% per technology level, Increases the number of nukes that can be purchased per day to 2, hurts environment by +1, Increases the purchase costs of all military by 0.1% per technology level. Requires 300 infrastructure, 100 technology, National Research Lab, Pentagon Wonder.

Nation Maps - When you create your nation you select your location (coordinates) on the map (you can change this location later by visiting your nation map screen). Although you select your nation position in the beginning of the game, your nation will not show up on the Top 100 Nations Map until your nation climbs up the strength ladder to become one of the top 100 nations. As your nation grows over time though land purchases, gains via conquest, and natural growth the ring around your capital city will expand. This ring represents your land holdings in actual miles on the map. (The maximum land indicator size on this map is 3,000 miles. Nations may own more than 3,000 miles of land in the game.)

Land - Purchasing land increases the size of your borders and decreases population density which makes your citizens happier. Land is also represented by the circle surrounding your capital city in the various Google maps in the game. Land also grows naturally in the game at a rate of 1.5 miles per day. If a nation owns navy vessels it may not sell below 250 miles of land.

Defending land can be stolen in war via ground attacks and destroyed in nuclear missile attacks. Defenders in ground battles receive a slight bonus to their battle odds based on the level of land of the defending nation. Land increases your chances of spy counter-operation success with the following equation: Number of Spies + (Technology Purchased / 20) + (Total Land / 70).

The game also keeps track of your peak land purchases. If your land falls below your peak land level - 100 then the cost to purchase new land is reduced by 50%.

Infrastructure - Infrastructure in the game is defined as services and facilities that support day to day economic activity in your nation. Infrastructure includes roads, electricity, telephone service, public transportation, sewers, bridges etc� In the game your nation's infrastructure is represented by a number that indicates your infrastructure level. The greater the number the more infrastructure your nation has. Purchasing infrastructure improves your lands which allow your government to both earn more income from your citizens and increase your population count. Infrastructure prices increase as you buy more. This is a result of supply and demand on your infrastructure.

Infrastructure can be destroyed in war via ground attacks, cruise missile attacks, nuclear missile attacks, and aircraft attacks. Defenders in ground battles receive a bonus to their battle odds based on the level of infrastructure of the defending nation. (This bonus is reduced based on the number of attacking tanks. See the Tanks description for more information.)

The game also keeps track of your peak infrastructure purchases. If your infrastructure falls below your peak infrastructure level - 100 then the cost to purchase new infrastructure is reduced by 50%.

Military - Purchasing soldiers provides three functions 1) defend your nation against foreign attacks 2) deploying soldiers overseas to attack other nations and 3) a police force for your population. Purchasing soldiers will increase your total population count based on real soldier numbers but you will not be able to collect taxes from your military personnel.

Beside your soldier counts in-game you will notice a number in parentheses such as Soldiers: 100 (135). The number in parentheses beside your actual soldier count is your soldier efficiency level. The soldier efficiency level indicates how well your soldiers control your population happiness and perform in battle. In the example provided here the (135) indicates that your 100 soldiers make an effective fighting force of 135 soldiers. Soldier efficiency levels are affected by certain trade agreements such as Aluminum and Pigs, improvements such as Guerrilla Camps and Barracks, certain events, and certain government types. When fighting ground battles against other nation's battle odds are based off each nation's soldier efficiency level however casualties are based off REAL soldier numbers.

Nation Strength - Nation strength is determined from a number of factors which include a nation's technology level, infrastructure development, land holdings and military power. The nation strength acts as a guide to help you determine how well your nation is doing in comparison to the other nations of the world. The current nation strength formula is:

Land Purchased * 1.5 + Tanks Deployed * .15 + Tanks Defending * .20 + Cruise Missiles * 10 + ((Nuclear Purchased^2)*10) + Technology Purchased * 5 + Infrastructure Purchased * 3 + Actual Military * .02 + Aircraft Rating Totals * 5 + Navy Rating Totals * 10

Nuclear Weapons - Nuclear weapons are expensive at $500,000 and with each active nuclear weapon in your possession the price of nukes increases by 10%. In addition to the initial cost, nuclear weapons also have a starting cost of $5,000 a day to maintain (Upkeep cost is doubled if you do not have access to Uranium). This cost increases +10% for every nuclear weapon that you own. Your nation will need a technology level of 200 or greater, an infrastructure level of 2,000 or greater, access to uranium for nuclear weapon production, and have developed the Manhattan Project wonder in order to begin purchasing nuclear weapons. A player can only purchase 2 nuclear weapons per day (3 with the Weapons Research Complex wonder). In addition to the other requirements a nation must be at least 5 days old before it can purchase nuclear weapons.

Nuclear weapons are extremely devastating to nations being attacked by them. Nuclear weapons completely reduce the number of defending soldiers for a defending nation to zero (50% Survival if the defending nations has the Fallout Shelter System wonder), cause great amounts of cruise missile, tanks, land, technology and infrastructure losses, reduce defending aircraft by 75% (aircraft supported by the Foreign Airforce Base wonder and aircraft carriers are reduced at a lower percentage), reduce defending Corvettes, Landing Ships, Cruisers, and Frigates by 25%, and also cause population happiness to plummet for a period of 4 days after a nuclear attack. Nuclear weapons may not be launched until after 24 hours after declaring war.

Nuclear weapons can target higher infrastructure, higher land, or higher technology damage based on player choice when launching the nuke. When you choose to target infrastructure, land, or technology you are trading more damage to your target for less damage for the other two. For instance, if you choose to target infrastructure you will do more base damage to infrastructure but less damage to land and technology. Here's how the various nuclear targeted attacks are laid out:

  • Standard Attack - In a non-targeted nuclear attack the base damage to infrastructure, land, and technology is 35% each up to a limit (before the techbonus additions) of 150 infrastructure, 150 land, and 50 technology.
  • Target Infrastructure - In a infrastructure targeted nuclear attack the base damage to infrastructure is 45%, land and technology is 25% each up to a limit (before the techbonus additions) of 200 infrastructure, 100 land, and 30 technology.
  • Target Land - In a land targeted nuclear attack the base damage to land is 45%, infrastructure and technology is 25% each up to a limit (before the techbonus additions) of 100 infrastructure, 200 land, and 30 technology.
  • Target Technology - In a technology targeted nuclear attack the base damage to technology is 45%, infrastructure and land is 25% each up to a limit (before the techbonus additions) of 100 infrastructure, 100 land, and 70 technology.

National Religion - When you first create your nation and select your national religion a random religion will be selected for your people's �desired religion.� If your national religion is not the same as your people's desired religion then your nation's population happiness will be negatively affected. How do you know what your people's desired religion is? The only way to tell is by changing your national religion until you see the message �Your people are pleased with this national religion.� Of course you can only change your national religion once every 3 days. I thought this would be a neat feature to add to the game because it requires nations to experiment with different religions until you find the one that makes your population happy.
The 15 available religions to choose from are as follows:

  • None - Your nation does not have an official national religion.
  • Mixed - Your nation does not have a defined national religion, but instead a mixed amount of religions throughout your nation.
  • Baha'i Faith - The Baha'i Faith is an emerging global religion founded by Baha'u'llah, a nineteenth-century Iranian exile. Baha'i theology speaks of three interlocking unities: the oneness of God (monotheism); the oneness of his prophets or messengers; and the oneness of humanity (equality, world unity, globalism).
  • Buddhism - The religion based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, known as Buddha. He refuted the idea of man's having an immortal soul and did not preach of any Supreme Deity.
  • Christianity - A monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior.
  • Confucianism - A philosophy of life developed by Confucius. It stressed the proper relationships in society, such as father/son and subject/ruler.
  • Hinduism - The ancient gods (especially the triad of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva) are commonly interpreted as representations of the various aspects of the divine (Brahman). Human beings progress to the ultimate realization of their oneness with Brahman (often called Nirvana) through Reincarnation according to the law of Karma.
  • Islam - The name of the religion that was initiated by Muhammad early in the 7th century and which means surrender to Allah.
  • Jainism - A religion founded by Nataputta, who was a royal clan of the Nata tribe in ancient India at the time of Shakyamuni. Its basic doctrine is non-materialistic atheism.
  • Judaism - A religion developed among the ancient Hebrews and characterized by belief in one transcendent God who has revealed himself to Abraham, Moses, and the Hebrew prophets and by a religious life in accordance with Scriptures and rabbinic traditions.
  • Norse - Nordic religion is a termed used to abbreviate the religion preferably amongst the Germanic tribes living in Nordic countries under pre-Christian period that are supported by archaeology findings and early written materials.
  • Shinto - Japan's indigenous religion, based on the premise that gods inhabit all natural things, both animate and inanimate.
  • Sikhism - The doctrines of a monotheistic religion founded in northern India in the 16th century by Guru Nanak and combining elements of Hinduism and Islam.
  • Taoism - There is no personal god, the closest thing being the Tao, which is a supreme force which underlies change through the passage of time. One is to become free of personal desires, and become attuned to the flow of change.
  • Voodoo - Derived from the ancestor worship and polytheism of primitive West Africa that emphasizes sorcery, spells and conjuring spirits of the dead.

Population Happiness - The most important effect of population happiness is a nation's daily population income. The happier your citizens are, the harder they work and the harder they work, the more money you'll have to improve your nation. The default population happiness level is 0. This number is affected by several factors:
  • Population desired religion vs. actual national religion.
  • Population desired government vs. actual nation government.
  • Population density - Citizens like room to stretch out.
  • Size and strength of military - Citizens like to feel protected.
  • Military casualties - Casualties increase war weariness
  • Military deployed - Too many deployed troops also increases war weariness
  • Infrastructure level - Infrastructure helps increase happiness.
  • Government tax rate - Citizens prefer to pay lower taxes.
  • Nation age - Citizens prefer the stability of older nations.
  • And a couple of hidden factors as well...

Resources & Trades - Nations can trade resources with one another via the trade screens. To trade with another nation you must be viewing their nation profile. At the top of the page there is a link that says �Trade�. Clicking that link will take you to a screen that will allow you to offer a trade proposal with that nation. The screen will allow you specify your reason for the trade and review the resources and other information for the trade. Once you click the 'Offer Trade' button a private message will be sent to the ruler of the nation that you proposed the trade to informing them of your trade offer.

The 'Trade Summary' screen is where you can review all the trades that your nation has submitted and is currently involved in. When new trades are first submitted they will be placed in 'Awaiting Approval' status in the 'Trade Summary' screen. In order for the trade to become active the nation that the trade was submitted to must approve it. Once the trade is approved it becomes active and both nations will begin sharing their resources. So, if Nation A has Fish and Cattle as resources and Nation B has Iron and Pigs, both nations will reap the benefits from being connected to Fish, Cattle, Iron, and Pigs. If both nations have a similar resource they will not receive double credit for that resource. (If both Nation A and Nation B have Fish then you don't get double credit for having two connections to Fish.) Once a trade is approved both nations will have the option to cancel the trade. If a trade is canceled you may only resume trading with that particular trading partner by submitting a new trade request.

A nation may offer or be active in up to 4 trade requests at any given time (5 with a harbor improvement). If you are involved in or have offered three (4 with a harbor) trade agreements then you will not be able to submit any new trade offers until you first cancel one of your active trade agreements. You may continue to receive trade requests but if you are already involved in the maximum number of trade agreements any new trade requests will be placed in 'Limit Reached' status until you first cancel one or more of your existing trade agreements. If two nations trade within their own team each nation receives +1 happiness. If either trading partner changes teams both trade partners will lose this bonus. A nation may change their native resources once every 7 days.

Supplemental resources were added to the game on Round 61. Players can select two supplemental resources in your nation edit screen to connection your nation to that do not require trade agreements. Supplemental resources are not available to be used to trade with.

There are 21 resources available in the game. In most cases the resources can be combined for combined benefits:

Standard Resources
aluminum.gif Aluminum Increases soldier efficiency +20%, lowers infrastructure purchase cost -7%, and lowers aircraft purchase costs -8%.
cattle.gif Cattle Increases number of citizens +5% and lowers land purchase cost -10%.
coal.gif Coal Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 15%, increases soldier efficiency +8%, and lowers infrastructure purchase cost -4%.
fish.gif Fish Increases number of citizens +8% and lowers land purchase cost -5%.
furs.gif Furs Increases citizen's daily income +$3.50 and triples the natural growth of a nation.
gems.gif Gems Increases citizen's daily income +$1.50 and increases population happiness +2.5.
gold.gif Gold Increases citizen's daily income +$3.00 and lowers technology cost by 5%.
iron.gif Iron Lowers soldier purchase cost -$3.00, lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -10%, lowers infrastructure purchase costs -5%, and lowers tank upkeep costs -5%.
lead.gif Lead Lowers cruise missile and nuclear weapon purchase cost and upkeep cost -20%, lowers aircraft upkeep cost -25%, lowers tank purchase and upkeep costs -8%, lowers soldier upkeep cost -$0.50, reduces environment penalties for owning nuclear weapons by 50%, and lowers all navy vessel upkeep cost -20%.
lumber.gif Lumber Lowers infrastructure purchase cost -6% and lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -8%.
marble.gif Marble Lowers infrastructure purchase cost -10%.
oil.gif Oil Lowers soldier purchase cost -$3.00, increases population happiness +1.5, increases soldier efficiency +10%, lowers tank upkeep cost -5%, lowers aircraft purchase cost -4%, and lowers all navy vessel upkeep cost -10%.
pigs.gif Pigs Lowers soldier upkeep cost -$0.50, increases soldier efficiency +15%, and increases number of citizens +3.5%.
rubber.gif Rubber Increases purchased land area of a nation by 20%, lowers land purchase cost -10%, triples the value of land when selling (from $100 to $300), lowers infrastructure purchase cost -3%, and lowers aircraft purchase cost -4%.
silver.gif Silver Increases citizen's daily income +$2.00 and increases population happiness +2.
spices.gif Spices Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 8% and increases population happiness +2.
sugar.gif Sugar Increases number of citizens +3%, and increases population happiness +1.
uranium.gif Uranium Reduces infrastructure upkeep cost -3%. Allow nations to develop nuclear weapons only if that nation's government preference supports nuclear weapons. If a nations government preference favors nuclear technology for the use of nuclear power plants but does not support nuclear weapons then the nation will receive +$3.00 per citizen and +$0.15 for every level of tech purchased up to level 30 but loses -1 population happiness. If a nation owns nuclear weapons but does not have uranium the cost to maintain nukes is doubled. Lowers Submarine and Aircraft Carrier navy vessel purchase and upkeep cost -5%.
water.gif Water Increases number of citizens per mile before population unhappiness by 50, increases population happiness +2.5, and improves a nation's environment by 1.
wheat.gif Wheat Increases number of citizens +8%.
wine.gif Wine Increases population happiness +3.
Bonus Resources
affluent.GIF Affluent Population Increases number of citizens +5%. Requires Fine Jewelry, Fish, Furs, and Wine.
Asphalt.GIF Asphalt Lowers infrastructure upkeep cost -5%. Requires Construction, Oil, and Rubber.
automobile.GIF Automobiles Increases population happiness +3. Requires Asphalt and Steel.
beer.GIF Beer Increases population happiness + 2. Requires Water, Wheat, Lumber, and Aluminum.
construction.GIF Construction Reduces infrastructure cost -5% and raises the aircraft limit +10. Requires Lumber, Iron, Marble, Aluminum, and a technology level greater than 5.
fastfood.GIF Fast Food Increases population happiness + 2. Requires Cattle, Sugar, Spices, and Pigs.
jewelry.GIF Fine Jewelry Increases population happiness + 3. Requires Gold, Silver, Gems, and Coal.
microchip.GIF Microchips Reduces technology cost -8%, increases population happiness +2. Requires Gold, Lead, Oil, and a technology level greater than 10. Lowers Frigate, Destroyer, Submarine and Aircraft Carrier navy vessel purchase and upkeep cost -10%.
radiation.GIF Radiation Cleanup Reduces nuclear anarchy effects by 1 day. Improves a nation's environment by 1. Reduces global radiation for your nation by 50%. Requires Construction, Microchips, Steel, and a technology level greater than 15.
scholar.GIF Scholars Increases population income +$3.00. Requires a literacy rate greater than 90%, Lumber, and Lead.
steel.GIF Steel Reduces infrastructure cost -2%. Lowers all navy vessel purchase costs -15%. Requires Coal and Iron.


Sanctions - Sanctions can be placed against trade agreements and are managed by the top 3 elected officials from each team who have 25 or more votes. Trade sanctions prevent any member of the sanctioning team from trading with the sanctioned nation. Once a trade sanction is created all non-secret trades between the sanctioned nation and the sanctioning team will be automatically canceled. Sanctioned nations will be sent a private message when a new sanction is placed against their nation as well as when and if those sanctions are removed. Only the top 3 elected officials of each team will have access to manage and create sanctions, all other nations will be able to view sanctions in the Sanctions Display screen. Sanctions last indefinitely and cannot be removed until 3 days after a sanction is created. Sanctions placed by prior elected officials who are not on the current list of elected officials because of the 15 day election resets cycle will still remain active. Newly appointed officials have access to delete such sanctions if they so choose. Teams may only have 30 or fewer active sanctions at any given time.

Tanks - Tanks are powerful weapons that work in support of your regular soldiers in ground battles. Here are some specifics on tanks:

  • You can purchase up to 10% of your soldier efficiency or up to 8% of your citizen population, whichever is less.
  • Technology requirement = Level 10
  • Purchase cost = Soldier cost * 40
  • Base upkeep = $40 per tank
  • Soldier battle strength = Number of soldiers * efficiency modifiers * 2 (stated here for reference)
  • Attacking tank battle strength = Number of attacking tanks * 25
  • Defending tank battle strength = Number of defending tanks * 30
  • Attacking tank infrastructure bonus reduction = 1% reduction per 100 tanks up to 7500 tanks

Bills and Taxes - Each nation in the game is responsible for collecting taxes and paying bills. A nation's tax collection is based on the average daily taxes paid per citizen times the number of citizens in that nation. Nations must collect taxes every 25 days to prevent from being deleted for inactivity. A nation's tax rate is the amount at which you tax your citizen's income on a daily basis. Suppose you have a citizen that earns $100 a day and you have a tax rate set at 25%. You will collect $25 from this citizen per day. If you have 50 citizens in your nation then you will collect ($25 x 50 =) $1,250 from your population in income taxes per day. Lowering your tax rate lowers the percentage of taxes each of your citizen's pay on their income but increases your population happiness. The happier your population is the more money they will make, so sometimes lower tax rates will earn you more money than would a higher tax rate.

A nation pays bills on the items and equipment that it has purchased over time including infrastructure, military equipment, improvements, and wonders. Nations are not billed for land or technology. Being up to date on bills means that you have paid your bills within the last 3 days. A nation must remain up to date on their bills in order to perform certain transactions in the game which includes the ability to make purchases of infrastructure, land, technology, improvements, and wonders, the ability to spy on another nation, the ability to purchase all military equipment, and the ability to perform battle attacks (except ground attacks). The ability to declare war and perform ground attacks is not restricted as a way to allow a nation to wage war in an effort to raid other nations to help pay off bills. A nation that is unable to pay their bills is considered to be in bill-lock. There are a couple of options to get yourself out of bill lock which includes 1) receiving foreign aid from another nation 2) raiding other nations in war 3) adjusting the setup of your nation to change your tax collections and bill payment structures 4) selling off and deleting your nation's assets in order to lower your bills enough to pay them off. If you do not pay your bills for 20 days you will begin to accrue a bill avoidance fee on your income tax collections of 20% at 20 days plus 2% per day after that.

Technology - Technology is represented by a technology level that represents the tools, hardware, and software that help your nation do what it does...better. Technology works similar to infrastructure in the game but is much more expensive at a base cost of $1,000 per level. (You can purchase technology at fractions of levels for less than $1K) Like land and infrastructure, the cost of technology increases the more you buy. You cannot sell technology as you can land or infrastructure. Technology can also be captured or destroyed by an attacker during war. The following are the benefits of Technology.

  1. Technology makes your people happy. Here's how the game currently figures the technology happiness bonus:

    Technology = 0 then happiness = -1
    Technology > 0 and <= .5 then happiness = +0
    Technology > .5 and <= 1 then happiness = +1
    Technology > 1 and <= 3 then happiness = +2
    Technology > 3 and <= 6 then happiness = +3
    Technology > 6 and <= 10 then happiness = +4
    Technology > 10 and <= 15 then happiness = +5
    Technology > 15 then happiness = + 5 + (Tech purchased * .02) up to level 200 tech

  2. Having a higher technology level allows you to equip your soldiers and tanks with better weapons and gear. Technology is the most important bonus in ground battles compared to the bonuses for defending infrastructure and defending land area. The technology bonus effect works for both attacking and defending nations and adds bonuses to each nations battle odds.
  3. Technology increases your nation strength by a multiplier of 5.
  4. Technology lowers infrastructure upkeep costs up to a maximum 10% discount based on the following formula: (Technology Level * 2) / Nation Strength = Percent off infrastructure upkeep bill.
  5. Technology increases your chances of spy operation/counter-operation success with the following equation: Number of Spies + (Technology Purchased / 20).
  6. Technology increases damages caused in ground battles, cruise missile attacks, nuclear missile attacks, navy attacking and defending naval attacks, and aircraft bombing attacks by 0.1% per level of technology. If an attacking nation with 3,000 technology causes a defender to lose 20 infrastructure in a ground battle then based on this 'techbonus' the defender would lose a total of 80 infrastructure in the attack. (20 + (20 * (3000 * 0.1%)))

National Peace/War Preference - Peace mode is not available in Cyber Nations Tournament Edition.


Declaring War - Cyber Nations incorporates the ability to wage war against other nations. You can declare war on anyone as long as  they are within the 50% - 200% ration of your strength range. To declare war you must be viewing the information page for the nation that you want to declare war against. At the top of the page you will see a link that says, "Declare War On This Nation".

Once you have declared war, both nations involved will have the ability to attack one another with the various weapons available in the game via the link on the left navigation menu that says "War and Battles". The War and Battles screen will show all the wars in which your nation is involved in and give you the option to attack those nations if you so desire. There are various forms of attack that you can engage your enemy with including cautious, standard, planned, and aggressive ground attacks, cruise missile attacks, aircraft attacks, and nuclear attacks.

To perform a ground attack against another nation you must first purchase soldiers and deploy them overseas. You may only deploy up to 80% of your base military before modifiers once a day. (This prevents the deployment of all your forces overseas whereby leaving your nation undefended.) In order to ground battle another nation 1) your nation must be large enough to attack the defending nation with enough forces deployed to attack 2) the defending nation must be large enough and with enough soldiers to defend against your nation. If either of these criteria are not met then you will not be able to battle. If all criteria are met a button will appear that says "Battle". Clicking that button will immediately resolve the battle and display the outcome. The battle outcome screen will display whether the battle was a victory, defeat, or draw for your nation, how many soldiers both nations lost, and if any spoils of war were captured. When battling there is a small chance that your nation will capture land, technology, and money of the defending nation both for Victory and Defeat battle outcome results. The spoils of war land, technology, and money amounts are immediately deducted from the defending nation and added to your nation. The victor in a battle has the ability to capture up to 5% of the opponents available cash up to $100,000. (If the defending nation has been inactive for 13 days or more these items will be destroyed rather than looted)

Nations involved in ground attacks performed between 6:00 PM and 6:00 AM game time will receive a 5% bonus to their technology bonus for attacking/defending at night. Ground attacks performed between 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM will receive a 1% bonus to their soldier efficiency strength. (Not considering your opponent, if you have less than 1,000 technology it is better to attack during the day otherwise it is better to attack at night.)

If an attacker is unable to battle a defending nation because the defending soldier numbers are too low the defender will automatically be placed into Anarchy, up to 5 defending spies may be killed, 5% or up to 10 technology levels, 20% or up to 40 infrastructure levels, and 5% or up to $600,000 in money may be destroyed (not stolen).

Nations also have the ability to declare peace with one another. By clicking on the "Peace" link in your nations war information screen you will be able to offer peace with your opponent. Once you submit the peace form your opponent will receive a message regarding your peace offer. Once your opponent goes to their war information screen and offers peace, the war between your nations will end. If either opponent attacks the other after a peace offer has been issued the peace offer will be automatically canceled. Additionally, players may choose to manually cancel a peace offer at any time.

Alliance Seniority - The alliance seniority date represents the date that the nation joined a particular alliance. This is a new field added on 9/10/2007. The default date used for the alliance seniority date is the nation's creation date. (Do not report a bug if your alliance date is inaccurate because of the default date) From now on whenever a player edits their nation and chooses a different alliance in the alliance affiliation field this date will update.

Spies - Spies are secret agents in the game that have the ability to spy, harass, perform sabotage, and engage in acts of terror against other nations without having to declare war. Spies cost $10,000 each to purchase and all nations start out with a limit of 50 spies plus 100 x Intelligence Agencies (+250 with CIA wonder). Nations can conduct up to two attacking spy operations per day (+1 per active war) and nations can be attacked in up to two spy operations per day. Nations may only spy on nations within their strength ranking unless the target nation is currently at war with the spy attacker. Aside from being killed during a mission and from assassination, spies are also vulnerable to defeat alerts where up to 5 spies can be killed. Spy Operations have four possible results based on the results of the calculations of the operation odds. These results include 1) Mission success and not caught 2) Mission failure but not caught 3) Mission success but identity revealed 4) Mission failure and identity revealed (If two nations are at war with one another then the priority of #2 and #3 are reversed). The following spy operations are available in the game:

  • Destroy Cruise Missiles (Max 5) = $10,000 + (1 x enemy nation strength)
  • Destroy Defending Tanks (Max 10%) = $10,000 + (2 x enemy nation strength)
  • Destroy Land (Random number chosen between 5-15) = $10,000 + (3 x enemy nation strength)
  • Incite Government Propaganda (New desired government randomly chosen) = $10,000 + (3 x enemy nation strength) [Defender required to collect taxes to change]
  • Incite Religious Propaganda (New desired religion randomly chosen) = $10,000  + (3 x enemy nation strength) [Defender required to collect taxes to change]
  • Change Threat Level (New level randomly chosen) = $15,000  + (1 x enemy nation strength) [Defender required to collect taxes to change]
  • Change DEFCON Level (New level randomly chosen) = $15,000  + (5 x enemy nation strength)
  • Gather Intelligence (See money reserves, non-secret trade partners, enemy general XP ratings, etc...) = $20,000 + (2 x enemy nation strength)
  • Assassinate Enemy Spies (Max 20) = $25,000  + (2 x enemy nation strength)
  • Assassinate Enemy Generals = $25,000  + (2 x enemy nation strength)
  • Destroy Technology (Random number chosen between 5-15) = $30,000 + (2 x enemy nation strength)
  • Sabotage IRS Proficiency (New tax rate randomly produced, 1-5% lower than old tax rate, low limit of 23%) = $10,000 + (20 x enemy nation strength x enemy number of days inactive) [Defender required to collect taxes to change]
  • Destroy Money Reserves (Max 5% or 1 Million) = $30,000 + (15 x enemy nation strength)
  • Destroy Infrastructure (Random number chosen between 5-15) = $50,000 + (5 x enemy nation strength)
  • Destroy Nuclear Weapons (Max 1) = $50,000 + (15 x enemy nation strength)

Spy operation odds are determined by the following formulas:

  • Attacking spies chances of success are determined by (Number of Spies) + (Technology Level / 20)
  • The defending nation's counter intelligence systems are determined by (Number of Spies) + (Technology Level / 20) + (Total Land / 70). Threat level modifiers are also taken into account for the defender.

If your spies are exposed during a spy operation a summary of the spy attack will be sent to the defender via private message with your ruler name revealed as the sender of the message. A summary of the operation will also be added to the "Exposed Spy Operations Across the Globe" screen for all nations to view. If your spies are not exposed during a spy operation a summary of the spy attack will still be sent to the defender via private message however the sender of the message will appear as "Unknown Sender" and your spy operation will not be displayed in the "Exposed Spy Operations Across the Globe" screen.

Spy operations are stored in the game for a period of 30 days. You may review your spy operation results by clicking the 'Spy Operations' link on the left navigation menu. This screen will detail the spy operations where you were the aggressor in the spy operation. This screen does not detail spy operations that you have defended against. Nations that are in Anarchy may conduct spy operations at double the spy operation cost.

Threat Level - The threat level indicator allows nations to prepare for possible terrorist spy attacks. The more elevated the threat level indicator the more prepared the nation's counter intelligence systems will be to thwart enemy spy attacks. Adjusting your nation's threat level has the following effect on your nation's population happiness:

  • Low (-0.0 population happiness, 75% counter intelligence readiness)
  • Guarded (-0.5 population happiness, 90% counter intelligence readiness)
  • Elevated (-1.0 population happiness, 100% counter intelligence readiness)
  • High - (-1.5 population happiness, 110% counter intelligence readiness)
  • Severe - (-2.0 population happiness, 125% counter intelligence readiness)

Global Radiation - Global radiation is a count of all nations in the game attacked with nuclear weapons in the past 15 days. Global radiation negatively affects everyone's nation environment in the game up to level 10.00. The bonus resource radiation cleanup reduces global radiation for your nation by 50%. The current formula for global radiation is: global radiation = (total nations hit by nukes * 100) / total nations. When viewing the global radiation level either on your nation display page or on the world demographics screen you will see two numbers, for example 10.00 (13.32). The first number indicates the game capped Global Radiation Level at which your nation will not suffer negative effects from beyond the cap. The second number parenthesis indicates the actual Global Radiation Level in the game if it were not capped.

Senators - Team senators are chosen by other nations in the game for their dedication to their team or representing alliance as well as for the size and strength of their own nation. (Only the top 100 nations according to strength make up the available senate candidates so not all nations on a team are available to choose from.) The top three senate positions will hold a position of great prestige within each of the colored teams. Nations not on a team (grey) are excluded from senate elections. Senators are responsible for managing trade sanctions and managing team messages. Each nation on a colored team may vote once every 5 days via the Team Information Panel link on the left navigation menu. Votes for senators work as a running vote and senate elections reset every 15 days. Nations in the game may choose to opt out of receiving senate votes for their nation via the 'Edit My Nation' link (every nation starts the game with the option not allowed). Team senators with 25 or more votes may create team messages and place sanctions against other nations in the game.

Navy - Navies are the branch of a nation's military forces principally designated for naval warfare and have the ability in the game to engage in sea-to-sea naval attacks, create blockades, and provide battle support for aircraft attacks, regular ground battle attacks, cruise missile attacks, and nuclear missile attacks. If a nation is attacked with a foreign navy the defender's navy will automatically defend even if that nation's navy is currently in use by the defending player.

Each vessel type has an infrastructure support requirement as defined by Vessel Infrastructure (see vessel abilities chart below) which limits the number of each vessel type a nation can purchase based on that nations infrastructure level. (ie. A nation with 200 infrastructure would be able to build 1 Corvette (+1 x Drydocks) and 1 Landing Ship (+1 x Shipyards).) A nation must also have at least 250 land in order to purchase naval vessels. Both attacking and defending nations must have at least 250 land or a harbor in order for attacking nations to operate their navy against another nation (If a defending nation has less than 250 miles of land and no harbor but still has navy vessels on hand then Naval Attack operations against it are allowed). Nations that are in war mode may purchase up to 5 navy vessels per day. Navies are limited to 3 action slots per day. A player can use these action slots against a single enemy nation or use them against 3 separate nations. Nations must be at war with a nation in order to engage their navies against one another via the various attack types below:

  • Blockades - Blockades reduce the tax collection income of a defending nation randomly between 1-10% for each successful blockade placed against it. In order to place a blockade a navy must have 5 or more blockade capable vessels. (see vessel abilities chart below) A defending nation must have zero Break-Blockade capable ships in order for an attacker to create a blockade against it. Only one blockade may be placed against a nation per day. The penalties from multiple consecutive blockades stack up to a possible 100% reduction of a nation's tax collection. During a blockade if the attacking navy has previously been blockaded then the attacking navy will attempt to capture enemy economic supplies thereby reducing their own pre-existing blockade penalty. Aside from performing these counter blockade operations the only other way to reset the blockade penalty is by collecting taxes. Placing a Blockade against an enemy nation consumes one navy action slot.
  • Battle Support - Navies can provide battle support against enemy nations. A nation may effectively increase the damages from battle attacks by first placing their navy into battle support mode against a defending nation and then launching ground battle, cruise missile, and nuclear missile attacks against it. Aircraft Carriers that are in Battle Support mode allow for additional deployment of aircraft. A navy must be in battle support mode against a defending nation in order to activate the battle support vessel abilities. (see vessel abilities chart below) A defending nation must have zero Break-Blockade capable ships in order for an attacker to conduct Battle Support against it. Conducting Battle Support consumes one navy action slot.
  • Naval Attack - Naval Attacks allow players to engage in sea-to-sea battles against enemy navies. During a Naval Attack all of the attacking nation's navy vessels will be used to attack all of the defending nation's navy vessels. Both the attacking and defending 'techmods' and DEFCON levels are taken into account when determining sea-to-sea battle results. Naval Attacks are the method in which nations destroy enemy vessels in order to then perform Blockades and Battle Support operations. Conducting Naval Attacks consumes one navy action slot.
Vessel Profile Vessel Details Vessel Abilities
Base Cost: $25,000
Base Upkeep: $1,000
Strength: 1 (3 vs. Landing Ships)
Vessel Infrastructure: 200
Vessel Technology: 50
Requires Drydock Improvement
Provides fleet support.
Landing Ship
Base Cost: $25,000
Base Upkeep: $2,000
Strength: 3
Vessel Infrastructure: 200
Vessel Technology: 50
Requires Shipyard Improvement
Provides 1% ground battle damage increase up to 20 ships. Provides fleet support.
Base Cost: $25,000
Base Upkeep: $5,000
Strength: 5
Vessel Infrastructure: 300
Vessel Technology: 75
Requires Drydock Improvement
Can create and break Blockades. Invulnerable to nuclear attacks. Provides fleet support.
Base Cost: $50,000
Base Upkeep: $2,000
Strength: 6 (10 vs. Destroyers)
Vessel Infrastructure: 400
Vessel Technology: 85
Requires Drydock Improvement
Can create and break Blockades. Provides fleet support.
Base Cost: $75,000
Base Upkeep: $3,000
Strength: 8 (12 vs. Submarines)
Vessel Infrastructure: 500
Vessel Technology: 100
Requires Shipyard Improvement
Can create and break Blockades. Provides fleet support.
Base Cost: $100,000
Base Upkeep: $4,000
Strength: 11
Vessel Infrastructure:600
Vessel Technology: 150
Requires Drydock Improvement
Provides 2% damage increase to cruise missile damage up to 10 ships. Can break Blockades. Invulnerable to nuclear attacks. Provides fleet support.
Base Cost: $150,000
Base Upkeep: $5,000
Strength: 12 (15 vs. Carriers)
Vessel Infrastructure: 700
Vessel Technology: 200
Requires Shipyard Improvement
Provides 2% damage increase for nuclear missile attacks up to 10 subs. Can Blockade. Invulnerable to nuclear attacks. Provides fleet support.
Aircraft Carrier
Base Cost: $200,000
Base Upkeep: $6,000
Strength: 15
Vessel Infrastructure: 800
Vessel Technology: 250
Requires Shipyard Improvement
Allows nations to purchase 5 additional aircraft per carrier ship up to 5 ships. Allows nations to deploy 5 additional aircraft per carrier ship up to 5 ships that are in battle support mode against an enemy nation. Invulnerable to nuclear attacks. Provides fleet support.


Generals - Military generals can be recruited and assigned to one of four posts in your military. The positions include generals of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Intelligence. Recruiting generals offers a variety of benefits to your nation including increases to battle strength calculations, unit purchase and upkeep cost reductions, and due to the enormous prestige that generals carry some may offer increases to your population happiness, citizen income, and even boosts to your population itself. As you conduct battles and special operations in the field against other nations you will gain experience points (XP) that will enable you to recruit higher ranking generals who will in turn provide greater benefits to your nation. For each ground battle, aircraft attack, naval attack, etc... you will gain +1 experience point in that field (successful nuclear attacks gain +5 experience points for Air Force). You can only gain Intelligence XP levels during a successful spy mission against nations that you are at war with. There are a multitude of NPC (non-playable character) generals available for you to choose from and upon recruiting a general you may change their name, assign them a custom title, and if you don't like the avatar image provided for them then simply click on the image to cycle through a different avatar. Generals come with an initial assignment cost as well as a daily salary that will be reflected on your bill payments. Assigning generals also consumes that general's XP level from your nation. Terminating generals returns 70% of that general's XP level back to your nation. Generals can be targeted for assassination during spy operations.


CN Standard Nation Name - Input a Cybernations Standard nation name in your Edit Nation screen. If your Tournament Edition nation reaches 1+ million casualties (defending + attacking) during the current tournament round the nation name that you specify here will be rewarded with +250 technology in Cyber Nations Standard Edition at the end of the current tournament round. Correct spelling of the Cyber Nations Standard Edition nation name is required. Ensure to input the nation name, not the ruler name. Cyber Nations Standard Edition nations can only receive one reward of +250 technology per tournament round. If the nation name in Cyber Nations Standard Edition is miss-spelled or if the nation is no longer active in the game the reward will not be applied. If your nation in the current tournament round is deleted for any reason prior to the end of the tournament round then the reward in Cyber Nations Standard Edition will not be applied.


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